Vets Shedding Light on the Path for Wildlife Animals to Go Home

Conservation is divided into three levels: preserving habitats, protecting species, and restoring ecosystems. To truly solve the problem, it is necessary to start with education. Hospitals are often the last line of defense for human life, and the same goes for the animals. The hope is to cultivate the correct mindset and knowledge of environmental conservation among the public so that wild species can survive without being affected by humans, and humans can treat wild animals in a more friendly manner.

Taiwan’s New Era of Agriculture: High-tech Farmers on the Rise

With the advancement of technology and the pursuit of sustainable agriculture, Taiwan’s agriculture is entering a new era. People are now seeking new agricultural technologies and innovative methods, using them to replace manual labor, increase agricultural productivity, and improve the quality of their products. The emergence of “high-tech farmers” has changed the stereotypical impression of farmers being solely reliant on hard work. Nowadays, sweat is no longer the only defining characteristic of this job.

The Beauty and The Sorrow of Forest Guardians

Mountains cover 60% of Taiwan’s land area, giving it the greatest concentration of high mountains of any island in the world. In fact, Taiwan is covered by lush evergreen forest, with over 1,000 hectares of lands managed by the Forestry Bureau. However, there are only 1,100 forest rangers patrolling the vast forests of the island, which means each forest ranger needs to oversee more than one hectare of forest. “One hectare of flat land is not that big, but one hectare of forest is more burdensome as it includes mountains and rivers,” said Lai, Po-Shu, a forest ranger stationed at Taipingshan in Luodong, Ilan County, northeastern Taiwan.

Maritime Pilots: Pilots over Troubled Water

Taiwan boasts a vast coastline and natural harbors, with the Taiwan Strait being one of the busiest shipping routes globally. The complex terrain also brings about higher risks. “Pilots” play the role of guardians of the ports, ensuring the safe entry and exit of vessels. They must possess professional skills and knowledge to provide accurate guidance to captains.

泥濘中強韌的新芽 司法少年的春天

司法少年,即為12歲以上、未滿18歲有觸犯法律之虞或因觸法而進入少年司法體系,被少年法庭保護的未成年者。根據內政部警政署統計資料顯示,110 年警察機關查獲青少年嫌疑犯人數共計4萬2,048 人,青少年犯罪人口率每 10 萬人口有1,466.19 人,其中男性犯罪人口率為女性的4.13 倍。以近三年的資料來看,青少年犯罪類型不分男女皆以涉「詐欺」案見最多,每年約1萬人上下;「毒品」案件次之,每年約5千人上下。 

原住民智慧傳承 生活法寶月桃​


歐美日韓為師 台灣漫畫走出自己的路


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