超重比例上升 美國正視肥胖問題

根據美國疾病管制與預防中心2020年的資料顯示,各州都有超過 20% 的成年人患有肥胖症,有的甚至高達35%。不分男女老少、種族年齡,肥胖似乎已是一種正常現象,含有高熱量的食物儼然成為他們生活中的一部份。肥胖引起的不僅是體型改變與健康危機,甚至間接造成家庭負擔,更帶來無數社會成本。

The Breath of Gods

In Taiwan’s temple culture, incense sticks and joss paper are mostly used as a medium to pray to the gods, but the gas emitted could be a hidden danger to the environment. Thus, in 2009, the Environmental Protection Administration encouraged major temples to reduce incense and joss paper burning, as well as firecracker setting in hope of reducing air pollution and protecting people’s health.

Art on Your Nails

Nowadays, people hold different views about beauty. In order to jump on the bandwagon in fashion, some people buy lots of luxurious and elegant-looking clothes, jewelry, bags and so on. Others polish their nails as a way to show their good taste in fashion. In fact, nail salons are ubiquitous in Taiwan, as more and more people like to decorate their nails in gorgeous ways.

寵物行為訓練 為人寵生活創造雙贏


公益彩券發行22年 身障者街頭擺攤換溫飽


兒少家暴頻傳 即時通報降低發生率


Pingxi Sky Lanterns’ Environmental Issues

Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival was voted by the Discovery Channel as the second-largest New Year’s celebration in the world. It won the National Geographic Magazine editor’s recommendation“2016 Top Ten Winter Tourism First Choice”. In this festival, combining the New Year’s wishes and the Chinese Lantern Festival tradition, the sky lanterns carry the prayers of the people. When the lanterns are lit, hopes slowly rise, and the flames of prayers dance in the air.

Traditional Brewing Art of Taiwan Black Bean Soy Sauce

Indispensable to daily cooking, especially among Chinese, soy sauce has become a crucial seasoning in cooking Chinese dishes.  Black bean or soybean sauces have evolved as time passes with people nowadays usually prefer buying soy sauce sold in supermarkets at affordable prices.  In fact, most of these low-priced soy sauce consist of harmful additives that might endanger our health. 

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