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榮耀背後 獎金與壓力的糾結


全台首創博弈門診 助患者擺脫賭癮深淵

過年打麻將、世足玩運彩,這些常見的娛樂消遣看似小賭怡情,實際上卻可能造成人們嚴重的賭癮問題,引發難以戒除的「病態性賭博」。台北市聯合醫院心身醫學科主治醫師蘇璿允解釋,根據美國精神醫學會發布的精神疾病診斷標準第五版「DSM-5」(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition),將其正式稱為「嗜賭症」(Gambling Disorder),俗稱「賭博成癮」。

「小而精悍」 短影音盤踞網路社群平台


Booming Petconomy, Market of Companion Animals

The rapid dissemination of information today is due to the advancements in science and technology. However, people have long been under pressure in terms of both mental and material aspects. As society progresses, people compete and compare themselves with others within the social structure, be it in terms of  job position, social status or family dynamics. These factors may subject individuals to judgment by others.  In terms of physical and mental exhaustion, the companionship of pets can indeed add variety to their busy lives.

Is Recycling of Agro-Waste:a Trend or a Threat?

Taiwan, known for its subtropical position and diverse topography, is blessed with an abundance of high quality agricultural products. However, the increase in agriculture waste production has led to a significant increase in agricultural waste. According to the Council of Agriculture’s statistics, agricultural waste in Taiwan reached 4.96 million metric tons in 2021, with most of them disposed by tilling, burying on site and composting. Recycling of agricultural waste has therefore become an important issue due to the increased environmental awareness throughout the society.

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