



新課綱宣傳不足 學生參與社團意願低落

適性學習、多元教育乃108課綱主要核心,惟其建立學習歷程檔案之執行,至今仍存在爭議﹐更因宣導成效不彰﹐因而誤解其宗旨與目的。此外﹐為建立多元學習環境﹐教師工作量陡然增加,造成備課困難﹐致使學生難以得到完善的學習內容。復以時空環境轉變﹐學生不再侷限傳統社交方式﹐社團活動參與程度大幅下降﹐亦導致學生易錯失學習與生活相互結合的契機﹐有違新課綱精神。 專家建議﹐應不斷地推動教育制度改革、即時更新教育方案﹐才能長期改變台灣教育環境。 

觀光業低薪找無人 專家疾呼調漲合理待遇


Booming Petconomy, Market of Companion Animals

The rapid dissemination of information today is due to the advancements in science and technology. However, people have long been under pressure in terms of both mental and material aspects. As society progresses, people compete and compare themselves with others within the social structure, be it in terms of  job position, social status or family dynamics. These factors may subject individuals to judgment by others.  In terms of physical and mental exhaustion, the companionship of pets can indeed add variety to their busy lives.

Dog Handlers : Protectors & Good Companions of Furkids

Everyone must have heard the phrase: “Dogs are human’s  most loyal friends.” As times change, dogs are not only human’s partners but also increasingly referred to as “furkids,” treated like children, and even if people who are unable to have children are more willing to raise dogs. In society, some dogs are even treated as important partners in maintaining rescue operations and are called “working dogs.” People who lead them on duty are the “dog handlers.”

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