Author: 莊佳芳


Dog Handlers : Protectors & Good Companions of Furkids

Everyone must have heard the phrase: “Dogs are human’s  most loyal friends.” As times change, dogs are not only human’s partners but also increasingly referred to as “furkids,” treated like children, and even if people who are unable to have children are more willing to raise dogs. In society, some dogs are even treated as important partners in maintaining rescue operations and are called “working dogs.” People who lead them on duty are the “dog handlers.”


Keep your “Butt” out of the Environment

According to a survey conducted by the National Health Service of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the proportion of the smoking population in Taiwan has been decreasing year by year. However, the government’s publicity and the enactment of smoking-related laws have not significantly reduced the proportion of smokers discarding cigarette butts where they shouldn’t have.
