Insights into Student Modeling – 2151期


   Dressed with trendy clothes, models show their good figures to the public. Modeling may seem like a different type of performance, yet it is also a form of art. The society often considers modeling to be a glamorous work, many young people dream of becoming the fashion models. Models can be seen in lots of occasions. Nowadays, an increasing number of models joins the industry each day. Modeling is defined widely with a variety of attributes, such as fashion, commercial print, promotional, art models and so on. Thanks to the Internet, an ordinary person can also become a popular model without professional training. It is now a popular choice for students to choose modeling as their part-time job. However, it may be a challenge for undergrads who need to study and work at the same time. As we know, student models usually spend a lot of time training and working and don’t have much time left for studying. The balance between working and studying is difficult to keep. Moreover, young students need to maintain good health, whereas models should stay in shape. It seems difficult to give consideration to the two identities between student and model. Despite the fact that the industry of young student models is currently on the rise, what do the public think? What are the pros and cons? 


Student Models: The Impression and Stories

   People have deep and direct feelings from their own experiences. It is not easy for them to strike a balance between modeling and studying. Shin-yun Yen(顏詩芸), a signed model from Catwalk Model Agency(凱渥模特兒經紀公司), considers the life as a student model very hectic. As a sophomore, she has to work and study at the same time, not to mention the stress she would suffer when having the exams. “After all, I am a student. I have to focus on my studies, and I try very hard to strike a balance between school and work.” Yen said. When Yen was in junior high school, her mother encouraged her to participate in the model competition. Finally, she outperformed the other competitors and was offered the contract from the agency. However, the road to becoming a professional model is filled with twists and turns. The agency has set many restrictions on their contracted models. For example, they can't eat too much and have to stay in shape. In her spare time, Yen has to improve her runway walks for the show and practice her makeup skills.

   Like many other girls, becoming a model is a dream to Jia-yu Lin(林佳諭). Now, having her dream come true, she has found that it was truly a hard work. “Sometimes, I work to the late night and have to get up early next morning for school.” Lin shared. She prefers to something that is more relaxing. Most of her close friends think it is cool to have a friend who is a model. However, both Yen and Lin share the same views that one should pay the price in the course of pursuing his or her dreams. Modeling is a challenging job unless you really like it and possess an everlasting passion on it.


The phenomenon of student models

   We can see many models on TV are younger than before. Many television programs and advertisements start hiring student models, changing the landscape of the modeling industry a lot. Some job opportunities, such as photo shooting for magazines, exhibitions, shows and so forth, are open for models who are still studying in the universities. These magazines often select student models to show the latest trend of dress-matching. It is because young models can lead the trend of fashion and customers are more willing to buy the latest clothing. Student models are favored by the exhibitions and shows because they entertain and interact with the crowd during the time of their performance.

   Student models have started working earlier than regular students. Thus, they need to be more mature and need to change the way they treat people or the attitude they deal with things. A tiny mistake would make them less favored by the agencies and that’s why student models need to behave well and cannot be impulsive about anything they do.

   “I changed my point of view toward models since the day I entered this industry.” Yun-jing Chang(張芸菁), a student model from Shih Hsin University, said. Some people think that models need not to pay much effort on the job, and all they have to do is to simply show their beauty and figure. However, there are many strict restrictions in the industry, such as having good manners and being serious about one’s behaviors, because they have to be professional while having their performances. Otherwise, the rising amount of student models would threaten the position of the experienced. Many jobs are replaced by the student models. Therefore, the professional models need to find the self-position and features to express his or her advantages.


What Do People Think?

   Generally, people give a positive view over student models as long as they protect themselves from all potential harms and manage their time well. Zhao-rong Chen(陳昭容), a junior in Shih Hsin University, said, “I think it will be a special experience for students to be models. What’s more, they can enter the job market much earlier, which is a good thing.” However, Qiao-yi Chen(陳巧宜), also a junior from Shih Hsin University, holds a different point of view. “The earlier they enter the model industry, the sooner their value system will change.” she said. According to Chen, she has heard that some young models force themselves to maintain thin figure in order to look prettier, more glamorous, and to achieve the model company’s requirements as well.

   On the other hand, Li-yu Wang(王立宇), the CEO of ballet A, a physical and online women clothing store, points out that student models are not necessarily of being skinny. “Customers often view models as a reference when they're shopping. Thus, if the model’s figure is similar to shoppers, they are more likely to buy the products.” Wang explained. In Wang’s opinion, modeling is a job that requires lots of self-management, including the study of making poses, maintaining health, also the balance between school and work life. “Being a model is not easy, especially for students. However, where there’s a will, there's a way. I believe students can do a great job as long as they do not give up the passion and motivation”, Wang encouraged.


   Although one can learn how to communicate with people as well as how the society works through modeling, it is definitely a challenge for student models to study and work simultaneously. However, if any person who wants to become a model has a dream that one day he or she can walk on the runway, or be photographed for the cover of a magazine, he or she has to pay great efforts on it and never gives up.

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