The Renovation of Hakka Printed Cloth – 2131期

BY 沈容安(Bernice Shen)

Once was struggling with industry migration to Mainland China, Taiwan-based brand “MeiGa”(美角)had discovered its own business niche to overcome the dilemma. The brand’s founder Meiga Lu(盧瑞春)had not only transformed traditional Hakka printed cloth into modern accessories but also brought new energy to the brand.

“I’ve always wanted to overthrow the stereotype of printed cloth that was considered as old-fashioned, tacky and plain. From my perspective, the cloth can be colorful and fashionable as well.”Lu said.

Originally, Meiga Lu was the owner of a textile company “Michelin Industries”(駿翔實業).  In  2005, Lu collaborated with Hakka Affairs Councils(客委會)to develop a brand which produced cloth that represented Hakka’s culture. During “Tung Festival”(油桐花季)in spring in 2006, they promoted the cloth massively and applied it into everything associated with it.

All the products in MeiGa are basically designed by Meiga Lu herself, and most of the inspirations came from her childhood memories and living experience. That’s the reason why MeiGa’s products are so unique. “Everything is difficult to me, even doing this interview right now.” Lu said, “I take everything seriously, so I face each work gingerly. I want to share my idea and show the best of our products to people.”

With the strong image of Taiwanese traditional culture, MeiGa was invited to enter a department store at Jiangsu Province, Mainland China. This is not only the first store abroad but also a big progress to MeiGa. Her biggest dream is to show everyone that traditional patterns are not just old-fashioned stuff but can be made with the modern design.

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