Innovated Development of Lazurite Industry – 2131期

With the time passing by, “customization” is an important principle to attract customers to buy lazurite artifacts(琉璃藝品). Jing-kun Shi(施景坤), the boss of a lazurite shop, which is located in Raohe Street Night Market(饒河夜市)said, “If we can’t pass along the skill of lazurite-making to the young generation, it will disappear one day.”

The style of lazurite artifacts has become more and more complicated in order to meet the market demands. At the very  beginning, there were few colors for customers to choose, but now, all kinds of colors are added to the lazurite products. Jing-kun Shi indicates that customers like colorful and sophisticated artifacts, so he uses chemical paint to design the unique patterns in the world. He also makes bigger and exquisite artifacts such as owl, dragon. From small ornament to business logo, every design is made to suit customers’ taste.

He claims that lazurite handiwork is not easy to make.However, with the coming of the technologized society , only few young people are interested in making lazurite, and it is sure this art will  fade away in the future.

“If the laurite did not emphasize on the artist’s creativity and dedication, it will be merely the mechanic skills and can not be called art. For this reason, we insist on accomplishing every work by hand, so we can create the most impressive artifacts.” Xing-tong Chen added.

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