Go Camping, Embrace Nature

By Jasmine Casey Lee(李可心)

Since lots of people are seeking ways to balance their hectic, stressful everyday lives, and get away from the hustle and bustle of city, camping has now become a popular recreation in recent years. Camping allows people to get into the “wild”, explore nature, and discover ways of being entertained without the electronics.

Camp in the wild, escape from the hubbub of the city. Photo/ Tsou, Fang-Ting(鄒芳婷)

Therefore, many more people have chosen to take their children, parents and lovers to go camping on the weekends and holidays. According to Benjamin Song(宋子然), who has over 10 years of camping experience and is devoting his life to the camping-related industry,

“Now is the best time to go camping!”

Before December, weather in Taiwan is cozy; a camping trip during this period can not only avoid insects, but also the terrible sunburn. The best part of it all is to enjoy that cool breeze at all time.

Enjoy the cool breeze, and explore. Photo/ Liu, Chia-Wen(劉佳雯)

Unlike in the past, people now tend to go camping at the commercial campgrounds where shower rooms are provided, along with electricity, Wi-Fi and all kinds of camping equipment. But before those campgrounds sprung up, people used to camp out at open country.

“Remember the first time I went camping, I was pretty shocked, because there were no tents, only a sleeping bag on the ground. That night I could barely sleep; I felt so insecure, worried that there would be vipers or insects around me anytime. Yet, it was a special experience that I will never forget,” said Benjamin. When going on wild camping, people need to find water on their own, cook on their own, and carry a 30~40kg backpack which contains all sorts of necessities and camping equipment.

The beautiful scene at the campsite. Photo/ Tsou, Fang-Ting(鄒芳婷)

Compared to a commercial campground, camping in the wild could be much tougher and more tiresome. On the other hand, wild camping offers a chance for people to be truly close to nature and get to know Mother Nature.

A family camping and having a good time. Photo/ Tsou, Fang-Ting(鄒芳婷)

Moreover, Benjamin gave those who would like to go on a open-country camping an advice: “It is important to learn knot-tying skills, such as bowline knot and power cinch knot, since all the camping kits are consumables, when it is broken or maybe you just forget to bring it, knot-tying skills can save you from disasters. Just like the old saying, save it for a rainy day! ”

As for the sleeping bags, many people may find it difficult to choose for different seasons. Many people would purchase down sleeping bag to keep warm. However, Benjamin suggests that the most common sleeping bag is warm enough to go camping in Taiwan, even in the wintertime. Down sleeping bag is definitely not an absolute necessity.

Campsite in Wanli(萬里).Photo/ Liu, Chia-Wen(劉佳雯)

Whichever type of camping trip you may prefer going, you will always obtain enormous benefits both physically and mentally. The benefits of camping are multifarious, with each person getting something different from the experience.

Action speaks louder than words, why not start planning your first or next camping trip, and unwinding yourself in the real nature’s cradle?

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