Traveling on Table with Hometown Taste – 2142期

Food always stimulates our taste buds, and illustrations create visual feast and travel brings life enjoyment. The illustration exhibition of Traveling On Table(餐桌上的旅行插畫展)contains these three elements.

Cooperating with experienced DPI Magazine(DPI設計插畫誌), Taipei Youth Development Office(臺北市青少年發展處)invited some famous illustrators who work on related topicsto join this grand event . The exhibition is themed with a hometown-reminding taste. “We set out on food that people are familiar with, thereby making them recall what they did in their hometown profoundly,” said Hannah Liu(柳君玫), the art editor of the organizer.Though more and more exotic cuisines have come to our life, there is no substitute for hometown-reminding taste.

Based on the themes of food, illustration and travel, the exhibition also holds a myriad of relative activities for teenagers to take part in, such as pocket food clay teaching, making your own book, paper cutting and so on. Wawa lu(呂純怡), the teacher who took her students there as an outdoor teaching said, “It’s a good chance for them to stimulate writing passions through illustrations.”

When mentioning about the purpose of holding this exhibition, Kao replied, “We want to cultivate teenagers creativity by exploring different aspects of life. Life never lacks beauty, but people usually lack awareness to find beauty.”


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