Flower Exhibition Blooms Shilin Main Presidential Residence – 2132期

During Chinese New Year vacation, Shilin Main Presidential Residence(士林官邸)had launched a floral exhibition which included more than 20 types of rare butterfly orchid(蝴蝶蘭)and other typical plots for new year celebration.

“Since the past years, we had already held the exhibition annually, which we utilize ‘Good luck will come continuously.’(福疊來)as the homophonic of butterfly orchid,” said Jean Wu(吳旻靜) employee of Parks and Street Lights Office of Taipei City Government(台北市公園路燈管理處).

The most spectacular flower in the exhibition is the “V3 butterfly orchid”(V3蝴蝶蘭), which is the NO.1 exporting volume of Taiwanese orchid market. Besides this, the “Gold Armour butterfly orchid”(黃金甲蝴蝶蘭)is coated with thick wax which could extend its blossom season up to 3 months.

“This is the first time we attend the exhibition, and these flowers remind me of Madame Chiang Kai-shek(蔣宋美齡), because her favorite flower is orchid. From my perspective, orchid represents elegance and no perfume could replace its fragrance.” said Mrs. Chao from Mainland, China.

When it comes to the sources of these flowers, Jean replied, “we planted some of the flowers ourselves, and the others were purchased from stores.” To celebrate Chinese New Year, the exhibition was decorated with Spring Festival couplets(春聯)and hangings which had “Fu”(福)on it.

Ms. Kung, a local Taipei citizen mentions about her feeling, “I have been attending the exhibition for several years, each time when I walk into the flower exhibition, I’ve got a feeling that I do appreciate the fabulous atmosphere of New Year celebration. For me, seeing these flowers has become a routine on the must-to-do list during the vacation.”

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