Ending the romance, the failure of CCR – 2141期

Cross-cultural romance is just like any other romance that may end in a hostile way if the relationship is not going well. There are a couple of reasons that may lead an affair to verge on being broken. It is just the long distance that they can’t accompany each other when they need immediate comfort. Maybe the divergence of culture is too much to make them have good communication and understand each other thoroughly. However, just like an ordinary couple, the cross-cultural romance would end because there is no spark and enthusiasm between lovers.

Shane(大山),a foreign student from America whose mother is Japanese and father is American, now he studies international business at a university in China. He came to China when he was in high school, and then developed a special love affair with a Chinese girl. As most of lovers would do, they would do sports and go shopping together, and inevitably they sometimes had quarrels as well. However, they didn’t seem to be passionate enough to each other and this 6-month affair ended anyway. Instead of being moody after this break-up, Shane was stunningly calm and positive. He said, “Well, I prefer beginning a brand-new life to still wasting time to miss the broken love. Missing lost things is wrong, so why not drop this memory for a better future?” After that, Shane didn’t fantasize the cross-cultural romance anymore. . “I suggest that those who fall in love with the person from another country should be more tolerant and have better communication with each other as it is the key to deal with the culture difference,” Shane said. 

Another foreign student who is called Honda Hiroshi(本田弘) comes from Japan. Compared to Shane, he has a longer and unforgettable exotic love story with a Chinese girl. Like a romantic film, they met in a coffee shop, Honda fell in love with a Chinese girl at the first sight, then he tried to get her phone number and keep in good touch with her. After that, they were together and this affair lasted for 3 years. “We traveled to many places and saw lots of beautiful things which we would never forget. Although we broke up because of the long-distance relationship, we still miss each other very much,” Honda said regretfully. What he said is like that a section of arrowroot is separated, but the clinging fiber remains(藕斷絲連).”It is never easy to have a cross-cultural romance, but if you do, you should try hard to maintain it,” Honda said.


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