Cross Culture Romance: International Value of Love – 2141期

Cross-culture romance is getting more and more popular nowadays. No matter where these couples come from, what races they are, or which customs they have, love may be the answer to everything. “I love him, his soul, his nature, not his country and it couldn’t be a reason to love him,”said Fality Liu(劉若婷), a junior student of Department of Digital Multimedia Arts in Shih Shin University.

Every love story started from a beautiful and unexpected encounter. Johnathon Clay, Fality’s British boyfriend who works for Ward Clerk said,“I went travelling around Europe in 2013. Meeting her in Istanbul was the highlight.” Love always shows up in life quietly. Abby Wu(吳愛家) who studies in Department of Marketing in National Chung Hsing University, and Tom Frense, who is a student of Universitat Tubingen(德國杜賓根大學), met each other in 2014 Intensive Chinese Program in Eberhard Karls University of Tubingen(2014杜賓根大學華語密集營). They thought they should get this chance to hold each other’s hands even knowing it was time to say goodbye. They did care about this relationship and knew they shouldn’t let it go easily. “Davide was one the most thoughtful and genuine person I’ve met. He would listen to me no matter how strange and weird these ideas I’ve got in my mind were, and always support me whenever I really wanted to pursue the goal that I’ve thought thoroughly for a long time” said Yuki(鄭有妡), the junior from department of speech in Shih-hsin University.

Cross culture romance is even more formidably hard for couples who have a long-distance relationship since they can only talk online. Amy Hsu(許靈勻), an actress said, “It is really lucky that we don’t like to quarrel. If we really quarrel,our relationship will soon come to the end!” The hardest part for Amy and her French boyfriend Vaan Rebourg is to figure out a proper time to get married, but they still have to overcome some problems including their domicile, jobs, and workplaces. They believe they can solve all the problems together. 

Cross culture romance is more acceptable to Taiwanese people nowadays.. Johnathon Clay advised people who have cross culture romance that “Do not worry about what others may think about it and just do your own thing,” he also stated, “And it makes getting to know the other person more interesting as you learn about each other's culture.”

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