Having Fun Learning Science with Dragon Ball – 2134期

BY 沈容安(Bernice Shen)

Children’s Day is surely one of the most exciting holidays to kids. Not only can they take a day off from school, but also their parents will take them out.

Lots of parents are planning a family trip for this upcoming festival. Besides hiking or sightseeing, visiting some exhibitions has become one of the most popular family activities. The Songshan Cultural and Creative Park(松山文創園區)in Taipei is holding a wide range of exhibitions in all time. In order to celebrate the 30th anniversary, the Japanese world famous comic “Dragon Ball(七龍珠)” also chooses to hold a science camp here.

The camp introduces the visitors the mechanism behind the story with life sciences(生命科學), engineering(工程學) and space science(宇宙科學). Children can also experience the signature Kung Fu skill the main character frequently uses in this story: the power of Big Bang Air Waves(龜派氣功波), and see what constitutes the magical cloud(觔斗雲)that Wu Kong always rides on.

“I think an educational exhibition like this is very attractive to parents.” Said Meimi Chung(鍾秀靈), a mother with a two-year-old daughters, “And I wish there will be more space where kids can experience things themselves and interact with parents.”

There’s no such thing like this that can get children’s attention in science. The aim of organizers is hoping that kids are able to find learning very interesting, especially when they can learn with the comic characters they love.

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