
Yang Jin-long, president of the Central Bank, said that the exchange rate of New Taiwan dollar is stable, so we will not follow the U.S. step.Photo by UDN.

No Need to Panic about U.S. Rates Rise

Stakeholders are urged to stay optimistic but cautious as various actions can be taken to avert potential harms from the recent rise of the U. S. interest rates. While businesses can manipulate financial tools to safeguard their profits, individuals can resort to more diverse currencies trading to lessen their losses from fluctuations in exchange rates.   

韓國飲酒風氣盛行,從飲酒的過程中可以觀察到,韓國的「階級意識」普遍根深蒂固於國人的心中。圖片來源/kslee@flickr, CC BY 2.0

從飲酒文化看韓國── 階級、霸凌、性騷擾

從韓國「飲酒文化」的盛行,可以觀察到社會上「階級意識」普遍根深蒂固於國人心中,在軍隊、校園中引發不少霸凌事件。2017美國「Me Too運動」延燒至韓國,點出韓國對於酒後性侵、性騷擾的社會問題也有待改善。
