Enjoy Strawberry-picking in Neihu – 2136期

Strawberry-picking has become a popular leisure activity in recent years. Neihu District(內湖區)is developed for strawberry plantation following the success of the Dahu,Miaoli(苗栗大湖). The season for picking the  strawberries  starts from the mid November till May of next year and the strawberry farms will be full of tourists who will come to experience the extraordinary  Strawberry-picking experience.

Jin-qi Guo(郭金啟), the strawberry farm’s owner said that Neihu district is transferred to strawberry plantation from paddy plantation after receiving the suggestion by NeihuFamers’Association(內湖區農會). The association gave the technical guidance of strawberry plantation for the farmers. At the beginning, influenced by the damp climate of Taipei city, the strawberry plantation was not as successful as it was supposed to be . Most of the planters chose to give up, but some still insisted and tried to use the canopy to overcome it.

During the strawberry season, the  Bishan road, Neihu(碧山嚴)is full of visitors who come for strawberry-picking. Guo mentioned that instead of being worried about the competition among the strawberry farms, the owner cares more about the strawberry supply shortage. Although the strawberry plantation is getting better after the technical improvement, the harvests still count on the climate.

Besides the experience of strawberry-picking, the farms in Bishan road also provide the strawberry jam making DIYand sell the products made from strawberries. Ian Tsai(蔡鴻陵), the visitor said that he got the chance to teach the children how to judge and make decision through the strawberry-picking activity. However, he thought that the transportation and the parking area of the Bishan road can be improved more. 


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